How to Change Your Perspective to Change Your Life
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We are glad to announce that we recently enhanced our team and have
added new editor Mr.Ankur Agarwal to our team who will be bringing
you lot of value via daily emails on crypto currency , life lessons
and other good stuff...
Our regular content regarding token , exchange listings and enhancements to the platform will continue as usual
For starters , Enjoy the second email from the desk Of Mr.Ankur Agarwal
Everything changed in my life at age 49.
I went from being a minimalist with no apartment and only 15 possessions to renting an apartment and buying furniture (although… a minimal amount).
I bought part of a standup comedy club (Stand Up NY) and started performing three–six times a week at places all around the city — even around the country (thank you, Laugh Factory in Chicago, for letting me headline).
I sold a business and then stayed with it and watched it grow.
I made many new investments in ventures that will save lives.
I sent a kid to COLLEGE (UGH!).
I started a charity.
I wrote a screenplay.
I developed products I am proud of.
I advise a TV show.
I co-produced another show.
I tripled my podcast.
I made many new friends.
I started to care less about "likes."
About who hates me.
About pleasing everyone.
What was different about 49 than my other 48 years on the planet?
A lot of things.
But maybe most importantly, my perspective.
Here are the lessons I learned that changed my life.
I started doing standup.
At first I was terrible.
But I loved it.
I wanted to keep practicing.
So I did.
The most important thing I learned by going on stage hundreds of times and watching thousands of hours of standup is:
"I am where the party's at."
The audience is an X-ray machine.
They can see when I am nervous or scared.
They will pounce.
But if I KNOW that I am where the party is at, then I KNOW I am the one having fun.
They are always invited to join me.
I make myself laugh.
I surprise myself.
I have fun.
And you are always invited.
Does this work in other situations?
Try saying it the next time you are nervous.
For some reason, that year all of my work life was strikingly successful.
I had ONLY worked with people I really liked being around.
This was the single differentiator in my work that year as opposed to the last 30.
One toxic person requires about 100 nontoxic people to make up for them.
So better to just be with good people and ZERO toxic people.
When you buy a Honda Civic, all of a sudden you see all of the other Honda Civics on the road.
What you think, feel, do…
is what you see, hear, attract.
If you feel pain, insecurity, fear…
you start to see, hear, attract all the things that will keep you fearful.
If you feel abundant, loving and kind…
you will notice the opportunities that are abundant, loving and kind.
That was the first year since 2004 I didn't publish a book.
Instead, I continued to write.
But I also did standup comedy, I wrote screenplays, advised on a popular TV show, went back to writing more on finance.
I still checked the box:
Am I creative every day?
But I allowed myself to play with all the
different ways to be creative.
And I allowed myself to fail.
Perfection is the enemy of learning.
And I definitely had to learn a lot.
I didn't want to take 10,000 hours to learn
how to be a good standup comic.
Or to learn the new businesses I was involved.
I'm too old for that!
So I had to spend a lot of time "hacking"
the 10,000- hour rule.
Most important hack:
Spend a lot of time around other people
who have "been there, done that."
Compare that with NOT spending time
with seasoned professionals.
Who will learn faster?
When you are with people who have learned the 100 micro-skills involved in learning anything difficult, you will be a sponge, soaking up as much knowledge as you can.
Starting and running a company is HARD.
Not everyone is cut out for that.
I don't know if I am.
But the best and most unique form of learning is to combine things from all of your different activities.
I can take things I learn from one business or activity and introduce them to another business, and the result is usually success.
And I learn to get better and better at doing this "idea sex."
How do you get better at combining?
By truly choosing yourself — making sure no "gatekeepers" can control your message.
You need energy to do this.
So I had to always make sure I followed my own daily practice and took care of myself.
Physically, emotionally, creatively and spiritually.
These are the only things.
No amount of money can buy yourself back.
Not the usual 80/20 rule.
A different one.
If you do things you love 80% of the time, it's OK if 20% of the time you don't do things you love.
I don't love selling.
You see these ads all over the internet with me wearing bitcoin glasses?
I hate looking at myself in these ads.
But I wanted to educate people.
And help people avoid the thousands of scams out there.
And help people make money.
It required selling.
It required a lot of difficult work.
I wrote a book, did about 20 videos and worked with excellent people to put out a quality product.
A vocal minority hates me.
I've gotten death threats, anti-Semitic slurs, horrible stuff.
And most people have sent me very positive notes.
The key is to have...
Not everyone is going to agree with me.
Not my friends, not my business partners, not my children, etc.
If they don't, that's fine.
But at least it's out in the open and everyone can decide where to go from there.
We only have this life to say things from our core integrity.
Build a core.
Have integrity.
And in the beginning was the Word.
Ankur Agarwal
P.S. So I have a time-sensitive request to ask of you:
I would like you to check out this video presentation I made with a legend in crypto world who did over $180 million in sales volume and turnover in his last business !
He has come up with this crazy idea which is helping ordinary people make an extra $5000-$10,000 / month from home by leveraging passive income trading formulas - Full Details Here
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