Hi lelakikelasmenengah@gmail.com
People are HUNTING for AEX tokens,
like hungry tigers!
can you guess the sales figure?
Well, after the last email was sent out yesterday, we have
a total of 2500+ responses
(including some of the pending requests, for which we
hired 4 new folks, remember? )
we've been able to process a majority of requests, raising
a whopping $513,087 in a day!...
...its a MAD rush, its the kind of buying FRENZY you
rarely see in the crypto world.
Feeling left out?
take action now
=> To participate , email us at family@altexch.io
Look, end of the day, when the dust settles, there will be
2 types of people in the community...
...first ones, will be busy counting the profits they made
...and the second ones, will be wondering what just happened!
Now, I'm not sure whether the 2nd group of people will
feel ""regret"" or continue to remain in ""awe & wonder""...
...but its too risky to wait for that time to come...and then
finding out.
I'll tell you something better...
take action now
=> To participate , email us at family@altexch.io
hey, and by the, a guy from the marketing team asked the CEO,
""what are you going to with these 4 new people that you hired,
after the token sale is over?""
(quick heads up- 'friends & family token sale can be over any
hour now, seriously)...
...so the director said- there's so much work!
this is just the first token sale round...there are few more to
and then, of course, we'll hire more people for operations
once we raise the funds!
after all, Altexch is literally going to be the biggest and the
best exchange platform the crypto community has ever seen!
maybe, this is the reason why people are going crazy for
the sales!
and the idea of straight away making a 100 % profit on
your investment in next 7 to 14 days itself...
...seems irresistible, doesn't it lelakikelasmenengah@gmail.com
it can compel almost anyone to take action NOW...
..which is why, THOUSANDS of people have emailed
us at family@altexch.io requesting to buy tokens.!!
Seriously, don't miss out...
We're sitting at a total of $1,760,942 worth of token sales
out of $2MN.
- Team AltExch
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