| | | Report for the Edinburgh Tram Inquiry This report reviews the Edinburgh tram project's risk management. Projects frequently overrun their cost and timelines and fall short on intended benefits. Cost, schedule, and benefit risk of projects need to be carefully considered to avoid this. The report describes and evaluates risk assessment and management for the Edinburgh tram. The report was produced as part of the Edinburgh Tram Inquiry. Keywords: risk assessment, risk management, infrastructure, megaprojects, optimism bias, strategic misrepresentation, planning fallacy, behavioral science. | | Natural gas: An underrated driver of Saudi hostility towards Iran and Qatar Debilitating hostility between Saudi Arabia and Iran is about lots of things, not least who will have the upper hand in a swath of land stretching from Central Asia to the Atlantic coast of Africa. While attention is focused on ensuring that continued containment of Iran ensures that Saudi Arabia has a leg up, geopolitics is but one side of the equation. Natural gas is the other. | | Hybrid-electric propulsion integration in unmanned aircraft Hybrid-Electric Propulsion Systems (HEPS) have emerged as a promising area of research in aerospace engineering as they combine the complementary advantages of internal combustion and electric propulsion technologies while limiting the environmental emissions. Despite the promising benefits, the insufficient energy densities and specific energies of electrical storage devices are major challenges as they induce severe weight and volume penalties. Significant opportunities are nonetheless emerging thanks to optimised propulsive profiles, energy harvesting techniques and more electric... | | cantoni&al fort energy citizenship poland shale gas.pdf Between 2011 and 2015, the perspective of shale gas extraction in Poland raised enthusiasm among political and business elites, and general public alike. However, in some cases local opposition led to long-term mobilisations. When adequately contextualised, the brief 'affair' with shale gas can be interpreted as a lesson in what we term 'energy citizenship.' This chapter analyses the impact of shale gas exploration in the context of a local mobilisation around the drilling site of Żurawlów, in southeast Poland. We argue that a crucial basis for energy citizenship is actors' engagement with... | | "Academic Jet-setting in a Time of Climate Destabilization: Ecological Privilege and Professional Geographic Travel," The Professional Geographer, Vol. 66, No. 2, 2014: 298-310. This article analyzes the interrelationship between resource consumption, socio-spatial justice, and what is popularly known as global warming by interrogating the ecological footprint of professional geographers, especially in terms of their conference-going involving air travel. In this spirit, the article introduces and employs the concepts of ecological privilege (as well as its inextricably related antithesis, ecological disadvantage) and dys-ecologism as a way to understand the roots and implications of professional geographers' fossil fuel use, and those of globally advantaged... | | Distribution as the Organising Principle of Environmental Regulation In this essay I argue that distributional concerns constitute the heart of environmental regulation; they are not restricted to pre-policy values or post-policy effects that need to dealt with. On the contrary, they characterise the selection of particular environmental policies, and their properties. Different interests, preferences and values with respect to a policy instrument can be made commensurable using the language of distribution. The centrality of distribution as an organising principle may be elusive on account of it being too vaguely construed or too narrowly defined. This... | | REGIONAL ENERGY SECURITY: RE-EVALUATING CONCEPTS AND POLICIES TO PROMOTE ENERGY INTEGRATION IN MERCOSUR This thesis presents an overview of concepts and policies related to energy security and regional integration. Follows a proposal that energy planning in developing countries becomes regional, incorporating both social and environmental dimensions of energy. Focusing on Mercosur countries, including Venezuela (2012) and Bolivia (2015), a general comparative analysis is carried out, not only in quantitative and qualitative terms of the markets, but also of the physical infrastructure of the member countries (and of South America, as a whole). Then, comes an analysis of the role that regional... | | Handbook of the International Political Economy of Energy and Natural Resources This Handbook offers a comprehensive overview of the latest research from leading scholars on the international political economy of energy and resources. Highlighting the important conceptual and empirical themes, the chapters study all levels of governance, from global to local, and explore the wide range of issues emerging in a changing political and economic environment. | | |
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