| | | Applications of Open Source GMAW-Based Metal 3-D Printing The metal 3-D printing market is currently dominated by high-end applications, which make it inaccessible for small and medium enterprises, fab labs, and individual makers who are interested in the ability to prototype and additively manufacture final products in metal. Recent progress led to low-cost open-source metal 3-D printers using a gas metal arc welding (GMAW)-based print head. This reduced the cost of metal 3-D printers into the range of desktop prosumer polymer 3-D printers. Consequent research established good material properties of metal 3-D printed parts with readily-available... | | Green Laboratories: University Campuses as Sustainability "Exemplars" in the Arabian Peninsula Like many universities in the West, universities across the Arabian Peninsula are increasingly home to various conspicuous sustainability initiatives. This article examines this trend at three of the region's most prominent projects: NYU-Abu Dhabi in the Emirates, Qatar Founda-tion's Education City, and Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah University of Science and Technology. Based on the textual analysis and informed by fieldwork in these countries since 2012, this article joins interdisciplinary research in political geography, sustainability experimentation , and laboratory studies to... | | Evaluation of Biogas Production from the Digestion and Co-Digestion of Animal Waste, Food Waste and Fruit Waste The increased use of fossil fuels for energy consumption has causes environmental problems both locally and globally. The study investigates the anaerobic digestion in the production of biogas a renewable energy from the digestion and co-digestion of three different types of biodegradable wastes (cow dung, fruit waste and food waste) as an alternative for fossil fuels for energy consumption. This was carried out using a 25 Litres capacity plastic keg prototype biogas plant, constructed to investigate the anaerobic digestion in generating biogas. The experiment was batch operated and daily... | | Application of GIS and Remote Sensing Technique to Change Detection in Land Use/Land Cover Mapping of Igbokoda, Ondo State, Nigeria This paper aims at establishing changes in land use and land cover in Igbokoda municipality using Geographic Information System and remote sensing techniques. Three satellite images for three different epochs 1986, 1999 and 2013 were used to produce a land use/land cover map classification for Igbokoda. In determining the extent of land use/land cover changes in the township from 1986 through 1999 to 2013, Landsat images of the town were downloaded from the United State Geological Survey online archive. The images were analyzed using change detection technique (NDVI differencing) along with... | | Remediation of Refinery Wastewater using the Process of Electrocoagulation This study was designed to assess the efficiency of the process of electrocoagulation remediation of wastewater from Kaduna Refinery and Petrochemical Company (KRPC). 50 liters of wastewater was collected from the effluent point of Kaduna Refinery and Petrochemical Company for the period of 13 months. The process of electrocoagulation sedimentation and filtration was performed according to various procedures to treat the wastewater. The results obtained showed high turbidity, electrical conductivity, nitrate, sulphide, phosphate, cyanide, chlorides, oil and grease as well as heavy metals... | | Phytoremediation Efficiencies of Water Hyacinth in Removing Heavy Metals in Domestic Sewage (A Case Study of University of Ilorin, Nigeria) Sewage treatment is posing serious techno-economic problems in cities, particularly in underdeveloped countries. A new technology, sewage purification by water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes), is a feasible solution. This paper studied the suitability and efficacy of water hyacinth in domestic sewage treatment. The study was carried out in the Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering. Three treatments of water hyacinth replicated two times were used in the study. These treatments include no water hyacinth (control), 1kg and 2kg water hyacinth plant density cultures. The system... | | Soil Quality Analysis for Dumpsite Environment in a University Community in Nigeria Physicochemical analyses were carried out on soil samples from four different waste dumpsites in the Federal University of Technology Akure (FUTA), Nigeria to ascertain the effects of the refuse dumpsites on soil and groundwater qualities. Dumpsite locations are Physics Laboratory (PHY), Post Graduate Hostel (PG), School of Earth and Mineral Science (SEMS) and Staff Quarters (STQ). Soil samples collected at distances 0 (dumpsite), 10 and 20 m intervals away from the dumpsite were analyzed and at depths 10, 20 and 30 cm. Parameters determined include pH, Electrical Conductivity (EC),... | | Regional Cooperation for Sustainable Energy in Asia and the Pacific In the highly diverse Asia-Pacific region, energy resources vary among countries, however in most cases are not managed efficiently. Some countries are dependent on fuel imports which create substantial macroeconomic complications with fluctuating oil prices. While energy shortages and structural issues in developing countries impede the ability of countries to expand access to energy, thus hindering broader national development objectives. Growing air pollution from fuel emissions have risen unabatedly as most countries are heavily dependent on fossil fuel, in particular coal. Persistent... | | The Effects of Religion on Depression and Suicide Rates in the United States Depression and suicide are major health problems in the United States and in the World. According to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (2014), " Suicide claims more lives than war, murder, and natural disasters combined (p. 1). " Many of the victims of suicide were also victims of depression. Research has shown that those who are religious are less likely to suffer from depression and less likely to commit suicide. This study shows that for the three major religious groups in the United States, evangelical Protestants, mainline Protestants, and Catholics, number of cases of... | | |
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