Universa Token FAQ:
What is the circulating supply? The total amount of tokens sold during the Token Sale is 3,298,608,688. This equals the circulating supply and makes up 66% of the total supply. What is the total supply? The total token supply is the total number of tokens sold (66%) plus the tokens for the Universa Foundation (20%), the tokens for the Universa team (10%) and the tokens for advisors, partnerships and the bounty program (4%). An exact division is given below:
- Tokens for the public 3,298,608,688 (66%) - Tokens for the Universa Foundation 999,578,390 (20%) - Tokens for the Universa team 499,789,195 (10%) - Tokens for advisors/partnerships/bounty 199,915,678 (4%) This tells us that the total supply will be 4,997,891,952 (100%) What will happen to unsold tokens? Any tokens that have not been sold during the Token Sale will not be created and therefore simply will not exist. The maximum total amount of tokens was set at 15 billion if the harcap during the Token Sale would have been reached. As described above the total amount of tokens will be 4,997,891,952. Therefore, 10,002,108,048 tokens will not be created. When will the Universa tokens be “released”? There will be UTN-P tokens and UTN tokens. The UTN-P tokes are “placeholder” tokens (hence, the –P) until the actual UTN tokens are released, and the UTN-P tokens will be ERC20 compatible. The UTN-P tokens will be eligible for withdrawal by the end of December 2017 or early 2018. You’ll be able to provide a personal wallet address to withdraw your UTN-P tokens to at your account on https://check.universa.io. Please be aware that this has to be an ERC20 compatible wallet. The Universa UTN tokens will be released early 2018 once the main net is operational. When the Universa Mainnet is operational you'll be able to exchange your UTN-P tokens for UTN tokens on a 1:1 basis. These UTN tokens can be held in the Universa wallet that is under development at the moment. Before all of this will take place, there will be an explanation or a step-by-step guide on how to do all of this What is UTN-P? UTN-P Tokens (the ERC20 token) are the tokens which you have purchased during the Token Sale. UTN-P which is a valid token to use on the Universa network is a temporary token which is eligible for transfer immediately after release. What is UTN? UTN is the actual Universa token. Once the Universa Mainnet is operational you'll be able to exchange your UTN-P tokens for UTN tokens on a 1:1 basis. These UTN tokens can be held in the Universa wallet that is under development at the moment. How do I change UTN-P to UTN? Once the Universa Mainnet is operational you'll be able to exchange your UTN-P tokens for UTN tokens on a 1:1 basis. These UTN tokens can be held in the Universa wallet that is under development at the moment. Before all of this will take place, there will be an explanation or a step-by-step guide on how to do all of this. Your balance that is displayed at your account on https://check.universa.io shows the number of tokens that are linked to your account. Instead of withdrawing UTN-P tokens from the balance of your account at https://check.universa.io you can also choose to wait for the release of the UTN tokens. Once these are released you can withdraw the displayed balance on your account at https://check.universa.io. When will the Universa wallet be ready? The web wallet is already up and running, see access.universa.io (also for the Testnet). The team is now working hard to complete the mobile wallet. The Universa wallet is expected to be launched together with the Mainnet. Can I use MyEtherWallet (MEW) for Universa? You will be able to use MEW or any ERC20 wallet to withdraw your UTN-P tokens as soon they get released. The UTN tokens can be held in the Universa wallet however we are also having talks with different major wallet providers to provide an integration for UTN. What will be your KYC policy for withdrawals after the Token Sale?
People who have contributed 10K USD or more will have to complete a simple mandatory KYC procedure. In other cases, the Universa team reserves the right to apply a mandatory KYC procedure if they feel it is needed. When will Universa be listed on exchanges? The Universa team is working hard on this and we will share any announcements when things are ready and can be shared. When will the Mainnet be released? Right now the alpha version of the Mainnet is live, we expect an operational Mainnet Early 2018. Is there already an accessible Testnet? The Universa Web Client and the Testnet have been launched (https://access.universa.io/contracts), the console client (Uniclient) is made available. Currently, the best approach to learn the system in the fastest way, is probably to start playing with the web client/Testnet directly. For the manual on how to do this see https://access.universa.io/docs Where can I find more technical info and documentation about the Universa Platform? You can find some additional info here: https://access.universa.io/docs |
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