Hello, Thanks for being an early member of the WCX community! Here's a quick update about the project. → Presales are now open with a minimum of $100, down from $25,000, making WCX Tokens available for purchase to more people.
We've been making available for sale a fixed and limited amount of WCXT on a daily basis. This prevents all WCXT from being sold out in a day. If you get a "Tokens Sold Out" message, more WCXT may become available at 00:00 UTC the following day.
We also added more bonus options for presale purchases, including for purchases under $10K. Bonuses are proportional to the amount of tokens bought, in percent terms. → Over 550,000 people are now signed up for WCX, and the wcex.co domain is visited by over 1.1 million people every month, with 70% of traffic coming from non-English-speaking countries.
We couldn't be more grateful to our flourishing global community for all the support. Thank you for being part of this incredible journey. → WCX Beta trading volume is rocketing. We've paused new invitations to the Beta for now and will re-enable them in about 7 days.
We're working on substantial front-end updates as well as new, modern, and highly performant backend infrastructure to accommodate the higher than expected demand. These updates will allow WCX to scale to millions of users and thousands of cryptocurrency markets, while still delivering a seamless experience to all customers. → The ICO start date was pushed back to October 31, 2017. This new date gives everyone a chance to use the WCX exchange (planned to launch on October 10) prior to the ICO. Reminder: What are WCX Tokens? As a holder of WCX Tokens (WCXT), you're entitled to receive a share of WCX's revenue. 20% of all revenue generated by WCX is automatically paid out to WCXT holders, in amounts based on each holder's share of the total amount of tokens. As an exchange, WCX collects fees in many digital currencies – which means that WCXT holders are paid in many different digital currencies. Holding WCXT is hence equivalent to holding a passive income portfolio of diverse digital currencies. Follow us on Twitter to get the latest updates. |
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