Hi everyone,
The tokens distribution for our bounty campaign has officially ended.
Everyone received their ATS tokens if there were no more than 3 registrations from the IP they registered with. We believe that multiple registrations from the same IP is a sign of fraudulent leads and suspended all such accounts.
There are 8158 token holders: https://etherscan.io/token/0x2dAEE1AA61D60A252DC80564499A69802853583A
We would like to apologize for the delay in sorting things out and take the time to address some of your concerns.
Our major issue with the bounty campaign was the fraudulent registrations.
Thousands of such registrations were entered into the system despite our best efforts to prevent this.
Steps we took during our bounty campaign to prevent such registrations:
-Enforced double opt-in on registrations
-Kept track of registration IP/confirmation IP, if they don't match suspend the account.
-Kept track of the number of visitors each referral link accessed and disabled account where there were no visitors through the referral link but were showing an increasing number of referrals
-suspended accounts were the ETH address used by cheaters was the same, even if accounts had different IP addresses
-suspended account where name/email contained easily identifiable random data
-suspended account registration once a certain number of registrations happened from the same IP address
Despite our best efforts to filter through fake referrals, a high number of them still managed to get through and that was clear to us when the withdrawals form was completed. As a result, we've decided to suspend all accounts where there are more than 3 registrations from the same IP.
All payments to qualifying accounts have been completed.
If you did not receive any tokens, we apologize but your account was suspended and the decision is final. Please do not contact us about, such requests will remain unanswered. We checked the list 3 times to ensure we don't miss anyone.
If you don't know how to check if you received the ATS tokens or not, enter your ETH wallet address in etherscan.io and it will show you the tokens, if you received them (many of you used wallets that don't show tokens by default).
Double and pending payments
Because of the increased amount of payments, some payments have been processed twice by the ETH network (don't ask us why, theoretically this is supposed not to happen, yet it happened to some payments). To cover the number of tokens needed 1M tokens have been pulled from the authors reserved fund of 20M.
At the same time, some payments have been stuck in "processing" for hours and even days. We went on and checked the transactions log and resent all the failed payments.
User reviews
It has come to our attention that some users are upset about this situation and threatened with leaving bad reviews, calling us all sorts. We understand some people's frustration and realize it's nothing more we can do about. We did our best. We also received numerous extortion emails (from people who didn't even participated in the bounty campaign) threatening to leave bad reviews if we don't pay specific amounts of tokens. Needless to say, we ignored them all. Bad reviews are a natural thing and everyone is free to spend their time the way they feel appropriate.
Project develoment
Our project development continues regardless and a $4M marketing budget plus thousands of authors already waiting to join the upcoming platform are more than enough to ensure a successful launch and a bright future. This is where a project values stands in: the final product. We value the opinion of the 1% bounty participants, but at the end of the day pumping or dumping the ATS tokens (which we cannot control) has no impact on the successful development of the Authorship platform.
Exchange listing
We'd also like to announce our investors that this entire bounty situation has been discussed with several exchanges, and been told this is a general thing that happens with all ICOs bounties: you can never please everyone and cheaters are a nightmare to deal with messing things up. We are happy to have pleased 8158 token holders. Once things settle and everyone realizes that the distribution is over we'll be submitting our listing requests as requested by several of you.
80% of the token holders are mostly authors and publishing industry members who look forward to our next year official launch. We would like to thank them all for their vote of confidence as they are an important part of the upcoming platform.
Free time
The Authorship team is going to take a week for free as it's been a very busy past month. We'll be returning Monday 25th with news about the exchange listings. Investors can reach us this week at investors@authorship.com for investment related questions.
Once again, we would like to thank everyone who put their trust in our project. We look forward to seeing the project one year from now!
Authorship.com Team
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